BIPA organises Bio Agri Conference in HYD
Bio Agri Input Producers Association (BIPA), has organised Bio Agri-2021 Conference in Hyderabad on Thursday
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Hyderabad Bio Agri Input Producers Association (BIPA), has organised Bio Agri-2021 Conference in Hyderabad on Thursday. The conference witnessed the participation of over 150 delegates from all over India and abroad in the two-day meet. The theme of the conference is "Bio-Innovations for Regenerative Agriculture".
The conference will deliver upon transforming India's food production systems, bio innovations for Regenerative Agriculture partnering with the nature: the IPM way, innovations in Pheromone Technology and growing market presence globally, the biology and chemistry of bio-innovations, Microbial Biostimulants: The Global Perspective, The Role of PGPRs in Biological Agriculture and Boisrtimulnats: American perspective and regulatory status etc.
Dr Rattan Lal, a World Food Prize, said: "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need." A career spanning for more than five decades and four continents, Dr Lal has promoted innovative soil-saving techniques benefiting the livelihoods of more than 500 million smallholder farmers, improving the food and nutritional security of more than two billion people and saving hundreds of millions of hectares of natural tropical ecosystems.
Dr KRK Reddy, President of BIPA, said: "India is the biggest exporter of Rice. For every 1kg rice we produce we consume 5000 litres of water which means that many litres of water is also exported. Can't we look at innovations to address this." He added that conference is organised in the backdrop of concerns like continuous degradation of soil, growing demand for sustainable agriculture and others.